Zilai Zeng

Hi there! I'm a 2nd-year master student at Brown University, where I am fortunate to work with the wonderful Prof. Chen Sun and Prof. Ellie Pavlick. Previously, I received my B.E. in computer science from Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

I'm broadly interested in representation learning, multimodal learning, reinforcement learning, and robot learning. My research goal is to develop principled methods that facilitate efficient decision-making and flexible behavior modeling, achieve scalability and generalizability across diverse interactive scenarios, and further advance embodied intelligence. Currently, I'm working on sequence modeling and representation learning for offline decision-making.

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Email: zilai_zeng [at] brown [dot] edu

Emergence of Abstract Representations in Embodied Sequence Modeling

Tian Yun*, Zilai Zeng*, Kunal Handa, Ashish V Thapliyal, Bo Pang, Ellie Pavlick, Chen Sun
Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) 2023
Webpage  •   arXiv  •   Code

Goal-Conditioned Predictive Coding for Offline Reinforcement Learning

Zilai Zeng, Ce Zhang, Shijie Wang, Chen Sun
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2023
Webpage  •   arXiv  •   Code